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=> Biography
=> We bid farewell to Renée Pietrafesa Bonnet
keeping the memory of an immensa artist and a great friend
=> Selection of articles of press
=> Other links


Born December 1938 in Montevideo, Uruguay, Renée Pietrafesa initiated musical studies with her mother, the pianist and pedagogue Renée Bonnet. She attends courses dictated by the pianists Jorge Demus and J.Turchinsky, the organist A.Turriziani and the composer Héctor Tosar.
She founds the Chorale de l'Alliance Française and the Montevideo Ars musicæ Chamber Orchestra which tours in Uruguay and the whole Latin America. She simultaneously develops intense activity as a composer and a performer.
She organizes the 1st Montevideo Chamber Music Festival in the Open Air.

Through a grant from the French Government in 1973 and 1974, she performs electroacoustic researches at the G.R.M. of Paris, under the direction of P. Schaeffer and studies direction of orchestra with J. Mercier.
In 1975, 1976 and 1977, she directs the first Atelier musical d’initiation à la musique électroacoustique of the Centre Culturel Censier of the University of Paris and the Ensemble instrumental des Boursiers Etrangers of the French Government.
She performs musical intervention at the Musée d’Art Moderne of Paris and participates in numerous broadcasts from France Culture at Paris.
In 1976, the Eva Houdova's film “Renée Pietrafesa, Composeur and Performer” is awarded at the Festival de Besançon.

In 1984, she is named « Chevalier des Arts et des Lettres » and receives at Montevideo the “Florencio” award from the Uruguayan Theatre Critic for the music of "Electra" of Sophocles .

In 1990, she is invited by the French Government as a composer and a pedagogue.

Since 1991, she collaborates et participates as a composer and a pedagogue to the France-Uruguay exchanges in France and Latin America. In that area, she performs several Master-Classes in French academies of music such as the CNR of Strasbourg which invites her to teach and direct her works. She is invited too by the Musikrat of Germany, in Italy, in Spain as well as in Brasil and in Argentina.

She realizes in 1997 an exceptional concert "Por la vida" in Teatro Solís of Montevideo, with the collaboration of the UNICEF of Uruguay and the participation of an orchestra of 100 musicians, 5 choruses of adults and chorus of children "Coro de niños del Iname", as well as groups of popular music such as G. Goularte which, in an interdependent way, appeared to collect funds for the children of the street of our country. Activity which continues each year.

In 1999, within the framework of its annual rounds in Europe, she performs with Luis Batlle, in París and Rome, works of the universal repertory and od her own vintage. She also directs Master Classes in various academies of France by carrying out concerts of works of latino-american masterpieces interpreted by European orchestras prolonging abroad its extraordinary work of pedagogue and artist. This same year, she inaugurates in Montevideo her work "Desde la Cruz del Sur" for orchestra directing the OSSODRE orchestra, in Montevideo.

Continuing her mission of Ambassadress of the music of Uruguay in all its forms, she also takes part in the year 2000 in the Festival Paris-Banlieues-Tango like the first pianist of Uruguay of classical music which performs also all the popular music of our country and Latin America (on the barge Péniche Daphné during the week "Uruguay-sur-Seine", she inaugurates a tango, a milonga and a candombe of its composition as well as tangos milongas and candombes of Uruguay, with a sharp success, the participation of Comparsa Scumba franco-uruguaya. The same year, she inaugurates in the Maison de l'Amérique Latine of París personal works as well as other traditional and contemporary composers of Uruguay. Her video "Monte Vidéo " was selected with the Festival international de la ville de Manosque (France) during which she presented and directed also a concert of diffusion of the contemporary music of Uruguay of all kinds.

In 2001, she carried out 7 concerts for Juventudes Musicales de Uruguay with the participation of 600 children each Sunday, thus succeeding by didactic and diffusion works, unique in our country by its artistic and human quality, to contribute to help always more the young interpreters and composers of the country and abroad, in addition to her work for 15 years with Channel 5 (now TVEO of our country),  and to her School of music Escuela de Música en la Quinta del Arte, and of her teaching at the Escuela Universitaria de Música. This year also, she creates the Orquesta de Cámara de jóvenes de Ars Musicæ as a "child" of her group Ars Musicæ founded in 1964, and gives with him 13 concerts this same year in concert halls of Montevideo and province at ends of benevolence and with groups of theatre and video in the search for an integration to other artistic forms. She also inaugurates in first world her works "Con los niños" (Musical Youths - Orchestra Ars Musicæ of Montevideo, under her direction), "Proyección 2001" for 2 percussionnists and orchestra, facing the Orchestra OSSODRE of Montevideo with a sharp success and "Señales y elaboraciones" for piano as pianist, in a concert of national composers of the group Núcleo Música Nueva. She was in this year the 2001, the national composer which composed the most musics for works of theatre in Uruguay: "Top Dogs" (national Comedy - Dir. Ruegger), "El Hermano Olvidado" (El Galpón - Dir. Nelly Goitiño), "Tres Mujeres altas" (national Comedy - Dir. Nelly Goitiño), "El sueño y la Vigilia" (El Galpón - Dir. Nelly Goitiño), "En la casa de campo" (Dir. Nelly Goitiño) by prizes winner of the EMAD with which she worked as "audio space" professor. From November 24, 2001, there were simultaneously at least 4 works with musics of her composition on the scenes of Montevideo.
She also presented in 2001 her new CD Mutabile published by Ayui-Tacuabé and Fonam of Montevideo with her works for piano, her compositions of Chambe and Symphonicr Music interpreted by prestigious musicians  of Uruguay and foreigners. She is named in Uruguay "Woman of the year 2001" in the category of the Best Musical Show and obtains the Price Florencio 2001 of Montevideo for the music of work "El Hermano Olvidado" of Ariel Mastandrea, directed by prestigious Director Nelly Goitiño from Uruguay.

In 2002, she is invited in France to carry out concerts and recordings of her works for piano within the 15th Video Moments of Manosque and to also give in Paris concerts of piano of latino-american composers. She carries out a round in concerts as pianist and to the head of the orchestra "Ars Musicæ", within Uruguay and directed on two occasions the Orchestra of Sodre of Montevideo in works of Bach, Mozart and Schubert and her own composition "Desde la Cruz del Sur" in its version 2002, and inaugurated at the time of various concerts in Montevideo "Para piano y encordado 2002", "Para piano preparado y amplificado 2002", "Evocación para piano y orquesta de Cámara" and"Canción a Federico 2002".

La Mtra. Renée Pietrafesa Bonnet luego de Recibir su Estatuilla de manos del Mtro. León Biriotti.For her "trajectory", she receives the Morosoli 2005” award " of the Fundación Lolita Rubial (November 2005).

She is a member of the S.U.M.C. and the N.M.N. of Montevideo and is regularly invited to direct the Orquesta Filarmónica de Montevideo and the Orquesta Sinfónica del S.O.D.R.E. de Montevideo.

She is currently director of the Music School « Quinta del Arte » at Montevideo et directs musical TV show (“Taller de Música” on Canal 5). She teaches Musical Pedagogy in the Escuela Universitaria de Música de Montevideo and directs the Grupo Barroco de Montevideo which she founded.

As an interpreter, she plays the classical, romantic and  contemporary repertoires(piano, organ and harpsichord).

She recorded long plays and cassettes from Mozart, Schubert, Brahms and Froberger as well as CDs of her authorship among them "Mutabile" (Ayuí / Tacuabé), "Acoustic, Mixed and  Electroacoustic Music" (Sondor), Works for piano and Instrumental Chamber and Symphonic Music and Vocal, mixed and electroacoustic chamber music for drama directed by the composer herself, facing the Orchestra of the CNR of Strasbourg, the Ossodre and the Philharmonic Orchestra of Montevideo (Agadu).

Last, she composed many works of quality which were created in renown theaters of Uruguay, Argentina, Brasil and Europe. Es invitada con la misma Orquesta a dirigir conciertos en los Ciclos de Música de Cámara del SODRE.

On october 24, 2016, Renée Pietrafesa was designated illustrious citizen of Montevideo, with Margarita Percovich y Elena Fonseca.
=> City Hall of Montevideo, La Diaria, Ciudadela Salto, Mercociudades, El Observador, LaRed21, Propuesta - 2016

Autor: City Hall of Montevideo / Artigas Pessio

Ceremonia de declaración de ciudadanas ilustres - 2016

ArribaEl 4 de febrero 2022, despedimos a Renée Pietrafesa Bonnet, dejándonos el recuerdo de una immensa artista y una gran amiga :


We bid farewell to Renée Pietrafesa Bonnet
keeping the memory of an immensa artist and a great friend:

=> 06/26/2022 - Remembering Renée Pietrafesa Bonnet through her music, a Núcleo Música Nueva concert
Renée's instrumental and electroacoustic works will be interpreted by the Ars Musicæ Ensemble and Carolina Hasaj, Mariana Airaudo, Natalia Bibbó, Daniel Francis, Antonio Laviano, Irene Porzio, Agustín Texeira and Beatriz Zoppolo.
=> 03/13/2022 - Cristina García Banegas, International Organ Festival of Uruguay: Concert in memoriam Renée Pietrafesa Bonnet, Ensemble De Profundis, Iglesia de Nuestra Señora de Perpetuo Socorro y San Alphonso
=> 03/11/2022 - De Cintas y Vinilos – Homage to Renée Pietrafesa, CX6, Radio Clásica
=> 03/10/2022 - Día de la mujer: Renée Pietrafesa Bonnet honored for the International Women’s Day
=> 03/09/2022 - Día de la mujer: Orquesta Filarmónica de Montevideo Concert in tribute to the composer Renée Pietrafesa Bonnet.
=> 10/02/2022 - Ser, aprender y contarlo, Mateo Magnone Hugo, Brecha
 Marìa Inès Obaldia
"Su grupo, Ars Musicæ, rinde último tributo a Renée Pietrafesa Bonnet, Ciudadana Ilustre de la Ciudad de Montevideo y condecorada con la Orden de las Artes y Letras de Francia, en el Cementerio Británico."
=> 03/09/2022 - Día de la mujer: A new concert by the Montevideo Philharmonic Orchestra in tribute to the composer Renée Pietrafesa Bonnet.
"Despedimos a Renée Pietrafesa, una mujer vanguardista, talentosa y con un gran compromiso social. Directora invitada de la
Orquesta Nacional del Sodre, fue defensora de la difusión musical con programas que sirvan al público en su realidad cotidiana."
Elación (a su memoría) Vidéo
Esta fue la última obra que la @FilarmonicaMVD interpretó de la compositora uruguaya en 2021
=> Ministerio de Educación y Cultura
"Ferviente defensora de cultivar la música sin divisiones de estilo, en algunas de sus obras “clásicas” se aprecia la influencia e
inspiración de las músicas populares uruguayas, como el tango y el candombe."
=> Intendencia Montevideo
"Esta trayectoria, junto con su trabajo como directora de programas sinfónicos de nuevas creaciones, la señalan como una de las
personalidades musicales más relevantes de las últimas décadas en Uruguay."
=> El Pais - TVshow
"Popularmente era conocida como la conductora, siempre al piano, siempre de buen humor y con su pelo enrulado, de Taller de música,
un ciclo en Canal 5 en el que difundía música culta con un tono didáctico encantador. Hay varios episodios publicados en YouTube."
=> La Diara - Cultura
"Muchos recuerdan su Taller de música en Canal 5, programa didáctico de educación musical que hizo durante 15 años desde la
Quinta del Arte, su casona en la calle Suárez, en el Prado montevideano. Allí compartía su interés por la música con el público
menudo y sus intervenciones podían incluir momentos inolvidables"
=> El Observador
"divulgadora musical, un rol que desempeñó en radio y televisión a lo largo de su trayectoria, en la que se destacó por su fusión e interés
compartido tanto por la música clásica como por la contemporánea, así como por una fusión entre lo popular y lo vanguardista."
=> Subrayado
"Artistas, autoridades e instituciones uruguayas lamentaron su partida y la recordaron en redes sociales."
=> Cara y Caretas
"Fue una impulsora de las nuevas tendencias en la música y fue premiada en varias oportunidades."
=> UDigital
"En nuestro país integró el Núcleo de Música Nueva, desarrolló ciclos de conciertos y formación, además de fundar la orquesta de cámara Ars Musicæ, con la que dio conciertos en toda América Latina."
=> Búsqueda
"Vanguardista, entusiasta y antisolemne"
=> UY.press
"Destacada pianista y divulgadora de la cultura musical."
=> La Red 21

ArribaSelection of articles of press En Castellano :

=> Renée Pietrafesa y Ars Musicæ en la Vaz Ferreira - Excelente programa, hecho con capacidad y entusiasmo, Julio Novoa, La Mañana, 1987
=> Con Renée Pietrafesa - La persistencia de un trabajo independiente, Karin Otten, La Hora, 1988
=> Con la música a todas partes, Leonardo Croatto, Brecha, 1992
=> Fantasía para piano y orquesta en el Teatro Solís, Eduardo Gilardoni, El Dia Cultural, november 1992
=> Entrevista : Renée Pietrafesa. Valorar la expresión. (Uruguay Cultural)
=> Encontrar la melodía, Leonardo Scampini, El Pais cultural n° 599, april 27, 2001
=> Renée Pietrafesa Bonnet y Juventudes musicales en El Sodre, B.R., Sinfónica, july 2001
=> Un ámbito diferente para descubrir e interactuar con la mejor música, Alexander Laluz, El Pais, january 2010
=> Detrás de la partitura, homenaje devuelto por Julio César Huertas a Renée Bonnet de Pietrafesa in El Pays Cultural n° 1219, march 2013
=> La música nos une. Con Renée Pietrafesa, Tercera Jornada del Ciclo de Fonoplateas, Victoria González, UNI radio, november 29, 2013
=> El Garage serie 23 with Renée Pietrafesa and Juanita Fernández, interviews audio or video, UNI radio, october 27, 2014
=> Ceremony of Declaration of Illustrious Citizens of Montevideo, october 24, 2016
=> Interview of Renée Pietrafesa Bonnet (56 mn), UNI radio, Núcleo 51, october 12, 2017
=> International day of the Woman, Filarmónica de Montevideo, march 7, 2018
=> En la casa de Renée (54 mn), El icegerg, Clásica, 28 setiembre 2018
=> “Me preocupa que los niños no escuchen buena música”, UNI radio, Núcleo 51, 10 de Octubre 2018

ArribaOther links :

=> UNESCO - Sector de Cultura
=> klassicaa.com
=> Gourmet musical
=> Punto Clásico, Animadora musical incansable
=> Socio Espectacular - "La trastienda del teatro", entrevista a Renée Pietrafesa por María Varela.
=> Teatro Solis - "Del barroco a nuestros días", biografía

and, more,
=> Escuela Universitaria de Música, Universidad de la República - Uruguay (docentes)
=> vecinet
=> Lautréamont sur le Web
=> Colegio de España Paris - Actividades culturales Enero 99
=> Espacio y Frecuencia - La sensación visual del sonido - Museo Nacional de Artes Visuales - Escuela Universitaria de Música
=> Fundación Lolita Rubial - Premios Morosoli 2005
=> Eva Houdova - Réalisatrice
=> Nuevo Repertorio Oboístico pdf
=> 15e Instants Vidéo de Manosque - 1999
=> Festival Paris Banlieues Tango
=> Música de cámara en el Blanes - L'Academia Dei Filomusi
=> Ars Musicæ en el Auditorio de ANTEL - 2004
=> City Hall of Montevideo: Montevideo recognizes and honours - 2016
=> La Diaria, Ciudadela Salto, Mercociudades, El Observador, LaRed21, Propuesta - 2016